This question is related to this: Application / Device setup for remote network connections
I have a 2wire 3801HGV router and I made some firewall settings to open some ports on one of my connected devices.
So now actually it will say:
external pin-holes (186 available):
pinh[0]: id 5, proto 6, sess tout 86400, pinh tout 0, arg 0 natpt|user
l:, n: **.**.***.**:80
pinh[1]: id 6, proto 17, sess tout 600, pinh tout 0, arg 0 natpt|user
l:, n: **.**.***.**:80
pinh[2]: id 7, proto 6, sess tout 86400, pinh tout 0, arg 0 natpt|user
l:, n: **.**.***.**:9000
pinh[3]: id 8, proto 6, sess tout 86400, pinh tout 0, arg 0 natpt|user
l:, n: **.**.***.**:18004
pinh[4]: id 9, proto 17, sess tout 600, pinh tout 0, arg 0 natpt|user
l:, n: **.**.***.**:9000
pinh[5]: id 10, proto 17, sess tout 600, pinh tout 0, arg 0 natpt|user
l:, n: **.**.***.**:18004
Of course instead of those * it shows my actual, public IP.
If it says that, then how come when I go to and I'm checking ports 80, 9000, and 18004 it says
Error: I could not see your service on **.**.***.** on port (80/9000/18004)
Reason: Connection refused
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