For some reasons, I cannot run the Media Creation Tool due to company policy. How can I download the windows 10 Threshold 2 ISO otherwise?
There seems to be a link here that has it, but visiting it redirects me to another page.
Cached copy of the webpage in question:
It's here, try it Download 32 or 64 bit ISO, all languages available. Hashes are verified against MSDN's ISOs. All match.
UPDATE: ^^^ became obsolete, but... There must be a way :-). Use browser, which can change user agent. I use Firefox with User Agent Switcher addon. Set Your browser user agent to
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows Phone 10.0; Android 6.0.1; Nokia; Lumia 520) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/48.0.2564.82 Mobile Safari/537.36 Edge/14.14348
and click here now select which ISO to download and here You go.
for people who writes "it doesn't work for me" in comments. I just checked it works perfectly. Idea is not to set exactly the same user agent I typed, but to use user agent of OS which Media Creation Tool does not support, for example Linux.
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