I'm a big fan of It's All Text for Firefox, as it's really helpful to be able to quickly open up gvim and write out code, wiki markup, etc in a powerful editor rather than trying to do edits in a large text box. Is there a similar plugin for Chrome? I'm looking for a cross-platform solution, or at least something that will work on Linux.
On macs:
On Windows:
Other platforms:
from https://github.com/stsquad/emacs_chrome/blob/master/servers/README
Because the Chrome(ium) security model doesn't allow for extensions spawning processes we can't just exec() the editor process. Instead we have to implement an "edit server" which listens to XmlHttp requests on port 9292 (default) and then sends a response when the edit is complete. We include a couple here:
Both of these require you run a webserver too, (e.g. http://opencoder.net/edit-server):
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