I have a directory containing around 500k files, and want to slice them into t
tar files.
Put formally, let's call the files file_0, ..., file_{N-1}
, where N
around 500k. I want to create t
tar files each containing T=N/t
files, where the i-th tar file contains
file_(i*N), ..., file_((i+1)*N - 1), i in {0, ..., t-1}
What's an efficient way to do this? I was going to write a Python script that just loops over the N
files and divides them into t
folders, and then calls tar
in each, but this feels very unoptimal. I have many cores on the server and feel like this should happen in parallel.
You can use python concurrent
library which is designed to process a request queue among all or some threads, eating the queue until all jobs are entirely executed.
- Generate a big list of list of files, like
[ [f0..f0-1], [fn..f2n-1]..]
- Use a
to eat this list with all many thread your computer has. This can look like this:
import os
import sys
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor
import subprocess
import itertools
import math
def main(p, num_tar_files):
files = list(split_files_in(p, num_tar_files))
tar_up = tar_up_fn(p)
with ThreadPoolExecutor(len(files)) as executor:
archives = list(executor.map(tar_up, itertools.count(), files))
print("\n {} archives generated".format(len(archives)))
def split_files_in(p, num_slices):
files = sorted(os.listdir(p))
N = len(files)
T = int(math.ceil(N / num_slices)) # means last .tar might contain for i in range(0, N, T):
yield files[i:i+T]
def tar_up_fn(p):
def tar_up(i, files):
_, dir_name = os.path.split(p)
tar_file_name = "{}_{:05d}.tar".format(dir_name, i)
print('Tarring {}'.format(tar_file_name))
subprocess.call(["tar", "-cf", tar_file_name] + files, cwd=p)
return tar_file_name
return tar_up
if __name__ == '__main__':
main(sys.argv[1], int(sys.argv[2]))
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