I am sure that I have seen someone have a part of their prompt aligned to the right in their terminal window and then have the actual cursor start on a second line. I know that I can achieve the second line with a "\n" in the PS1, but I cannot figure out how to align part of it to the right. Was what I saw just whitespace added between the two strings?
What you want can fairly easily be done by displaying the first line before displaying the prompt. For example, the following displays a prompt of \w
on the left of the first line and a prompt of \u@\h
on the right of the first line. It makes use of the $COLUMNS
variable which contains the width of the terminal and the $PROMPT_COMMAND
parameter which is evaluated before bash displays the prompt.
print_pre_prompt ()
if [[ $PS1L/ = "$HOME"/* ]]; then PS1L=\~${PS1L#$HOME}; fi
printf "%s%$(($COLUMNS-${#PS1L}))s" "$PS1L" "$PS1R"
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