Is there any way to save a tmux session? In other words, if I reboot the computer, will I always lose the sessions?
Yes, if you reboot you computer you will lose the sessions. Sessions cannot be saved. But, they can be scripted. What most do in fact is to script some sessions so that you can re-create them. For instance, here's a trivial shell script to create a session:
tmux has-session -t $SESSIONNAME &> /dev/null
if [ $? != 0 ]
tmux new-session -s $SESSIONNAME -n script -d
tmux send-keys -t $SESSIONNAME "~/bin/script" C-m
tmux attach -t $SESSIONNAME
Here's what it does. First, it checks if there's any session already with that name (in this case, the very original name is "script") with tmux has-session. It checks the return code. If there's a ongoing session with that name already, it skips the "if" cycle and go straight to the last line, where it attaches to the session. Otherwise, it creates a session and sends some keys to it (just running a random script for now). Then it exits the "if" block and attaches.
This is a very trivial sample. You can create multiple windows, panes, and the like before you attach.
This will not be the very same thing you asked for, though. If you do any changes to the session, for instance you rename a window and create a new pane in it, if you reboot those changes won't of course be saved.
There are some tools that ease the process of scripting sessions, although I prefer to do things manually (I think it is more versatile). Those tools are Tmuxinator and Teamocil.
My main source of informations was "The Pragmatic Bookshelf" Tmux book.
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