As I've started to use different operating systems at home and at work, I've found a few things that help.
App Launching
(Quicksilver and Launchy)
Not having to mouse through folders or menus is nice, but having the same shortcut mapped (apple + space, alt + space) on both OS's is just great.
OS X style doc on your pc.
Web Bookmarks
I've installed the Delicious add-in on all my Firefox installs and added the tags to the the toolbar - so I can have tags 'tech', 'google', 'tech' at work and 'video','toread','etc' at home. Naturally, tagging an item makes it show up on all computers - nice!
The keyboard problem seems most complicated. Copy/Paste uses control on Windows and apple key on Mac. The apple key is in the Alt key's spot on Windows keyboards. Could I remap alt to be ctrl on Windows? I'd probably need to buy a mac keyboard for my work computer to make my brain work on this one. It has adapted to switching when it feels the flat mac keyboard!
(Witch) €9.95
Witch lets you access all of your windows by pressing a shortcut and choosing from a clearly arranged list of window titles.
Does anyone else have any tips on making the daily switch easier?
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