IS there a download manager for Mac OS X that allows me to interrupt and resume large downloads? (I'm trying to download the Apple Developer Tools update, but a 3+ GB file size seldom plays nicely with my internet connection.
I prefer a free solution if possible.
I need it to be able to download from the Apple Developer site, which requires authentication. The downloads there are huge - my bandwidth isn't. Using Folx and authentication, I successfully downloaded ... drumroll please ... an intermediate HTML file.
I highly recommended using iGetter it was much better than other one.
But also you can use
Besides, if you using terminal and install package I recommended that go for AXEL I myself use this one. after installation is complete you can use blow commend to do what you want.
axel -n 100 -s 5242880 "your download link"
The -n 100 show the number of your connection to the server and the -s 5242880 use for limiting the speed,-s 5242880 in above example will try to keep the average speed around 5242880 (5120 Kilobyte per/sec).
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