A colleague had a problem where he couldn't link a cell in his destination workbook with a series of cells in a source workbook. The problem was that in order to link workbooks, he had to open them from within the same Excel instance. If he double-clicked on the destination workbook, or fired up Excel independently of the first, the intra-book linking didn't work.
Now he has this solution, he as a different problem. He wants to be able to view and manipulate both source and destination workbooks at the same time - on different screens. However, because both workbooks are now running withing the same instance of Excel, when he drags one workbook across to his second monitor, the first is carried across too.
Is there a way he can keep these workbooks linked, but view them on separate screens?
Yes, the crude way to do this is to re-size excel to span both screens and then re-size each workbook independently and have each sit in the area of excel on each screen
It appears that he was on the right track, but he needs to use the restore down
button for excel, re-size it and then manually re-size each workbook. If the workbooks are maximized, click the restore window
button near the top right of excel to independently re size the workbook windows
Edit - you can also expand excel across both screens and go to view - arrange all - vertical
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