I just purchased a new x1 Carbon with all the bells and whistles. I got a Core i7-5600u which I really thought would be the better chipset to get. But now I'm looking at some benchmarks and the i5-5300u seems to outperform the i7 on every site. Now I understand that these benchmark softwares can't perfectly gauge the power of a chip but why is there a common advantage for the i5? Even though the i7 has a higher GHz rating it keeps scoring lower. Is there a technical reason or are the benchmark software created in such a way that it favors the current i5 architecture?
Here's two links: http://www.cpubenchmark.net/cpu.php?cpu=Intel+Core+i5-5300U+%40+2.30GHz&id=2459 http://cpuboss.com/cpus/Intel-Core-i7-5600U-vs-Intel-Core-i5-5300U
There are more benchmarks and the i7 does beat the i5.
However, there still seems to be some weird performance benchmark scores flying out there. For example the Ars Technica review had some results where the gpu performance of the i7 was lower than a comparable i5's. He's got a request in with Lenovo to see why its occuring.
Here's the article: http://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2015/02/thinkpad-x1-carbon-review-a-fine-heir-to-the-thinkpad-name/2/
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