This question is related to this one.
Damian Conway provided a nice snippet for marking excessive line length in his recent OSCON 2013 talk about Vim.
highlight ColorColumn ctermbg=magenta
call matchadd('ColorColumn', '\%81v', 100)
which results in this:
It works great when using console Vim. However, changing the ctermbg=magenta
part to guibg=Magenta
only highlights the character, but doesn't color it in magenta.
How can I make this work for gVim correctly?
Umm, works for me? As a reference, I'm running Vim v7.4 patch 335. (it's not bleeding much!!)
I added the following two lines to my .vimrc
highlight ColorColumn ctermbg=magenta guibg=Magenta
call matchadd('ColorColumn', '\%81v', 100)
Reloaded vim and taa-daa! The characters at the 81st position were magically magenta-ized.
EDIT: As per the comments below, we discovered that @isxek needed to put these two lines LAST in their .vimrc file. Evidently, the colorscheme used (Molokai) sets the ColorColumn highlight scheme. I didn't see this issue since I set the ColorColumn highlight AFTER everything's loaded, essentially performing the same thing as 'putting the lines last'.
Personally, I'd recommend using a unique Group
identifier so you don't mess with the highlight colors set for the actual ColorColumn
highlighting group.
highlight MyLineTooLongMarker ctermbg=magenta guibg=Magenta
call matchadd('MyLineTooLongMarker', '\%81v', 100)
Works for both vim and gvim.
Have you tried/Do you use ColorColumn
? Relatively new option in Vim to highlight a column (or columns!) based on textwidth
. Was added with version 7.3
. Very handy!
I use it thusly:
" it didn't exist before Vim v7.3, sometimes I encounter older versions of vim (centOS, looking at you!!)
if v:version >= 703
" a faint grey (gray?) color, not too insistent
highlight ColorColumn term=reverse ctermbg=233 guibg=#202020
" put the marker(s) at 'textwidth+2' (and at position 120)
set colorcolumn=+2,120
" if we're called as '*view', or on a console, turn off the colorcolumn
if v:progname =~? 'view' || &term =~? 'linux|console'
set colorcolumn=
So I essentially have two lines on my display, shown at textwidth + 2
and at position 120
, as my default. I've grabbed a screenshot and moved the lines with set colorcolumn=+2,90
so it isn't too wide for here. Looks like this:
You can see the two vertical grey lines, positioned at textwidth + 2
, and at position 90
. Here, my textwidth
was set to 78, so the lines are positioned at 80, and 90 characters out.
Now, you COULD use the two lines you've got to add a form of colorcolumn
for a pre-v7.3 version of vim. Stick them in an else
clause of the version check block above.
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