I've got a Dell XPS 13 (9360) with Windows 10 Home.
Steps to reproduce:
- Open power options (Win-X, O)
- Click change plan settings next to the current plan ("Dell" in my case)
- Set both "on battery" and "plugged in" change "Put the computer to sleep" to something high or "Never" (I have 15 mins for battery, 1 hour for plugged in, tried "Never" for both too)
- Click save changes
- Open screen saver settings (Win-S, Change screen saver)
- Ensure screen saver is off (None)
- Ensure "On resume, display logon screen" is off
- Click OK
- Lock computer with Win-L
- Wait...
Expected behaviour:
- Screen switches off after a short delay (~30 secs).
- Computer stays on, crunching whatever data you've left it to do.
Actual behaviour:
- Screen switches off after a short delay (~30 secs).
- Computer goes to sleep after a further ~15 seconds.
I would've thought this was a simple problem, but I've spent over two hours Googling etc for a solution. The closest I could find to my problem was this, which is similar but not the same, and the solution doesn't work for me:
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