I have searched quite a lot already but unfortunately didnt find any solution or hint yet. My problem is NOT that my computer starts/boots itself from standby mode. For this often discussed problem, there exists the commands powercfg -devicequery wake_armed
and powercfg –lastwake
But for me, the problem is, that when I press "Energy saving" in windows, then my monitor immediately goes black, but my computer keeps running. How could I find out what is causing this issue and which driver/software keeps my PC running? I only installed a new nvidia driver and some windows updates lately, and I disabled Windows 8.1 fast boot mode, nothing more.
Thanks in advance
powercfg /requests
showing NONE everwhereVLC only in portable mode, so not running in the background
powercfg -energy
not showing any entries which say "preventing from sleeping"No print spooler entry, no Windows Media Player Network Sharing Service
I also tried
powercfg /requestsoverride driver srvnet System
as an admin, but didnt solve the issue eitherHOMEGROUP --> Dunno, because I dont have any other computers in my network. Never used network stuff here.
Finally I figured it out. I ran powercfg /?
to see all possible options to check whether I have missed something.
I found the option /WAKETIMERS
which I havent read much about while googling for solutions to my issue.
I used this option and saw an entry:
Der von [SERVICE] \Device\HarddiskVolume1\Windows\System32\svchost.exe (SystemEv
entsBroker) gesetzte Zeitgeber läuft um 04:39:40 am 29.01.2016 ab.
Ursache: Die geplante Aufgabe "NT TASK\Microsoft\Windows\TaskScheduler\Regular
Maintenance" wird ausgeführt. Hierzu muss der Computer reaktiviert werden.
so I assumed there is some sort of windows task scheduled (or maybe even running). While googling, I came across this site: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/2799178 which states this Regular Maint. can be deactivated in the Action Center. And indeed, it could. After deactivating the automatic wakeup for this maintenance at 02:00am, I could finally go to sleep again.
Im so glad it is solved now!
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